Healing journeys

Through life coaching, we guide our clients through emotional, spiritual and physical healing. We find healing as we worship together through listening, prayer, and specific exercises designed to rebuild belief systems on a firm foundation. Gift discovery, personality profiles, spiritual mapping, and family history guide the journey to recovery. It is our joy to walk with our clients through this recovery process and create new life strategies together. Our goal is for our clients to walk in victory.


With many years of personal experience in Christian ministry, our hearts are filled with compassion for those in leadership and support roles within the church body. We are especially concerned for ministers and missionaries who daily carry the burdens of others. We understand that it can be a weighty work and we desire to come alongside those who need personal, restorative support for themselves and their families. This includes healing and coaching ministry to groups such as mission teams and organization leaders and staff.


Often, we just need to get away and reconnect - with ourselves and our Creator. We invite you to come to the beautiful mountains of Ruidoso, New Mexico and experience a time of quiet refreshing. God desires to speak life and joy to your heart, and we enjoy being part of the process. 

A personal retreat is typically 2-3 days and includes 5-6 ministry sessions based of the needs of the person.  Topics include: heart healing, forgiveness, destiny discovery, marriage enrichment, and cultivating relationship with the Creator. The retreat is laid-back and customizable. You will have plenty of time to rest, pray, and journal in the mountains.  Our retreats are open to individuals, couples, and small groups.  

Worship & Prayer

In addition to life coaching, we love to help people experience the reality of personal friendship with God. Our style is a unique blend of prayer and worship. We are available to teach and lead worship and prayer for corporate gatherings or small group settings.